Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 Most unique museums in the world in the field of food

American country has a lot of unique things, including the food. One of the bakeries in the United States, Peanut Butter & Co. even opened a unique museum that is named Nutropolitan Museum of Art, which opened just to celebrate art and peanut butter sandwich. It's not just Nutropolitan Museum of Art only one unique museum that contains information about the food. Well, here are 5 other food museum in the world that is unique and exciting course for our visit later

1. The Currywurst Museum, Berlin, Germany.
Mueseum is about eating the snack-culture in Germany. In this museum visitors will enjoy space spices, where they can taste and smell the mixture of different Currywurst.
The Currywurst Museum, Berlin, Jerman

2. The National Dairy Shrine Museum, Fort Atkinson, Wis.
Dairy products industry has a long history on American soil. At the museum, visitors will find a variety of information about the history of ice cream, exploring the evolution of milk production technology, and information about dairy products.

The National Dairy Shrine Museum, Fort Atkinson, Wis

3. The National Mustard Museum, Midleton, Wis.
In 5600 the museum offers a kind of mustard. From the history of mustard memorabilia to the spices of the most popular elsewhere in the world.

The National Mustard Museum, Midleton, Wis

4. The Idaho Potato Museum, Blackfoot, ID
The area has long been associated with the Idaho potato industry. In the museum is trying to show how the Idaho potato is grown and harvested, and provide information about the history of Idaho potatoes.

The Idaho Potato Museum, Blackfoot, ID

5. The Shinyokohama Ramen Museum, Yokohama, Japan.
Speaking Ramen necessarily identical to the Japanese city. In this museum provides information about the ramen starts from the port city in Japan. In this museum featuring an exhibition featuring various types of ramen both traditional and modern. Visitors can note the differences of detail in all types of ramen in Japan.

The Shinyokohama Ramen Museum, Yokohama, Jepang.

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