Wednesday, May 22, 2013
10 Important Facts About Kids and Music
Music to educate children. Definitely this one statement is not foreign in the ears agan-agan all. But, you might be wondering, how exactly music to educate children?, The following information which can satisfy the curiosity agan.
Fact # 1:
Each child is born with the instinct of music
Actually, since the children are familiar with the music in the womb. "Mama heartbeat alone is like percussion music in the ears of the fetus," said Chepy Soemirat, Seminator Music Ensemble of Yamaha Music Indonesia, Jakarta, usual musical training elementary school teachers in the corners of the archipelago. Yes, around the 4th month of pregnancy, the fetus is able to hear the 'music' in the body mama. Treading month 7, the organ of hearing your child growing and he began to recognize the variety of sounds, including those at the hearing from outside.
Fact # 2:
Mama, baby's first music teacher
Although the music may not be flowing blood in you, you remain a 'music teacher' first. Humming gently cradles baby moment, or a cheerful song you sing while playing with it, all of these play a major role in a child's musical instincts honed. So, you can introduce music as early as possible, without having to wait until the child is big enough to keep music education. "As role models, parents play a major role. If you love music, children will be more likely to obtain stimulation from the environment, "said Rustika Thamrin, Psi., CPHR, CBA, child psychologist and family of Brajawijaya Women and Children Hospital, Jakarta.
Mama, baby's first music teacher
Although the music may not be flowing blood in you, you remain a 'music teacher' first. Humming gently cradles baby moment, or a cheerful song you sing while playing with it, all of these play a major role in a child's musical instincts honed. So, you can introduce music as early as possible, without having to wait until the child is big enough to keep music education. "As role models, parents play a major role. If you love music, children will be more likely to obtain stimulation from the environment, "said Rustika Thamrin, Psi., CPHR, CBA, child psychologist and family of Brajawijaya Women and Children Hospital, Jakarta.
Fact # 3:
Healthful music!
The researchers found the music or humming even mama could help premature babies gain weight more quickly and out of the hospital. Not surprisingly, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in hospitals diligent playing music for premature infants. It is also evident from a study conducted in Germany to 100 orphaned infants with adverse health conditions. They are cared for by the caregiver to touch, abundant musical stimulation, and tone of voice up and down. The result? Their health improved up to 100%. While in adults, the music also known to lower blood pressure and make the heartbeat more regular.
Fact # 4:
Music is good for the brain
Either in utero, infancy and childhood, the music helps the brain nerve cells form the various connections that can help us understand the language. Mark Tramo MD, of Harvard Universit medicalneurobiologist, USA, explains, "In the human brain, millions of nerve cells form circuits or networks, which become active when we listen to music. The circuits associated with memory, attention, emotion, motor control, and language skills. "
Music also balance the two hemispheres: the left hemisphere (allowing us to walk and talk) and right hemisphere (allowing us to do creative things). Activate both hemispheres of the music, and there is no other activity that gives a similar effect!
Instrument that 'friendly' for toddlers is electone. Why? His keys fit the little finger muscle strength. Also, electone have a wide range of tones and two levels of the keyboard, so that children can learn to distinguish sounds with clear melodies and harmonies.
By the age of six years, when the muscles of the arms and legs are stronger, you can begin to introduce children to the piano, violin, guitar, or drums, depending on interest.
Little one interested in a wind instrument? When he was about seven or eight years, began to introduce the recorder or flute. When he became old enough and ability to thrive, children can continue with other wind instruments such as flute, saxophone, clarinet, and the like.
Fact # 5:
Children are more sensitive thanks to music
In addition to healthful and 'sharpen' the brain, music can also be useful for small menunjangsi in recognizing emotions. A study in Ohio, USA, found children of different ages who are not even background music, able to recognize the 'emosi'yang contained in the music. Not only that, the music can be very beneficial for the social life of the child later. Through music, children are invited to follow the rhythm. This will stimulate the left brain, which is much related to the ability to follow the rules. And while children play and move according to the music, their susceptibility to 'unwritten rule' could be more refined, of course this will be very beneficial when it plunged into the community later.
Fact # 6:
Music education can be started from the age of toddler
Since the age of three, children have started attending classes to learn music preparation (introduction stage). At this age child's hearing ability is growing rapidly, and musical experience will be recorded as a pleasant memory, the sensitivity of children to a variety of tones and sounds were honed. Thus, the ability of tiny embedded dengam the music itself, said Lichin Harty, Chief Instructor Junior Music Course, Yamaha Music Indonesia.
Fact # 7:
Music, channeling positive stress
Playing music can be a means of channeling positive stress for the child. "Pressures facing children are increasingly heavy. If the child can bet the music, he has a pickle vent stress much better than playing video games, for example, "said Rustika, a psychologist who is also mother of three children. Nothing wrong anyway if you offset the musical activities of children with other activities that are teamwork, such as choirs, play indoor soccer, or other sports group.
Fact # 8:
Talent is not everything
Inherited musical talent was only identified 20% success kid. The rest?
Family environment play a role. Gifted children can not necessarily stand out if the music is rarely at home perdengarkan. Conversely, children who do not have music in the blood of the family could have developed a sensitive musical instincts, if parents diligently to provide stimulation since childhood. And remember, 90% of music is key to the success of the exercise. "Most kids only meet the teacher one hour a week. So, exercise routine at home is important. Briefly about 15-20 minutes a day, "explains Lichin.
Fact # 9:
Music should be studied in an atmosphere of fun
Learning in a fun atmosphere will open the limbic system. The limbic system is a kind of 'door', so that the information can reach the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex.
Cortex Cerebri, which covers 80% of the volume of the brain, is a long-term memory storage and the site of the thinking process analysis. That's why the average music class for toddlers trying to attract children with various activities such as listening, singing, and reading. That way, your child will be more excited about music.
Fact # 10:
Parent participation determines success
In the music class for toddlers, parents are usually asked to accompany them as a partner of a child's learning. Why? Parental involvement is very important in the advancement of children's music education. Awaken your child to practice the spirit of practicing with him and paying attention to its development. Do not forget, too often give praise for effort and achievement!
13 Island In The Strange Shape of Planet Earth
Danish island pictured here is Æbelø in the Kattegat Sea, off the north coast of Funen (Denmark's third largest island). With a triangular shape and a long 'tail', this island really looks like a stingray. And the clouds above the island do not want to miss, trying to mimic the shape of the island!
Like a boomerang right in the middle of the South China Sea! If you want to find, you have a good chance to do it in the flight from Manila to Kuala Lumpur - about 45 minutes after takeoff. Atoll is part of the Spratly Islands - an archipelago of 750 islands and coral reefs. their shapes and forms depending on the season and current flow, you will probably find different forms at different seasons.
As can be seen from the images captured by the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite in 2002, the largest island in the Galapagos Islands, Isabela Island, looked like a sea horse. The island is also very old, formed by a volcanic eruption that occurred millions of years ago. If you look closely, you will see three crater of the volcano that created the island.
Similar dolphin reef gan when the island which lies off the northern coast of Flores Island, Indonesia. Looks as if the island shape is inspired by the dolphins may have been swimming around. Pretty amazing!
Described by NASA as "sparkl [ing] like a green jewel against a sapphire blue waters of the Indian Ocean and Flores, Banda, Savu and Timor Sea," the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia is still beautiful though seen from a great distance, such as aerospace. But, in the midst of them, there is a really strange character. Can you see the head of a large, open eyes and mouth of the cartoon figure?
Such as the lungs complete with trachea and bronchi (which is the way)! This small island has lush vegetation, the island really makes a 'green lung'. Is this of interest to the owner to build a luxury villa with swimming pool and tennis court in the Florida Keys island he is? Of course not!
Gan like the human eye, complete with a retina and iris, can be found in the Maldives. Or, if added with the motif of the sea, perhaps like a giant jellyfish. Actually, of course, this is a coral reef or, according to the photographer, this is the birth of an island.
Island in the Isles of Scilly, off the coast of Cornwall is probably similar to a tree, with a trunk, branches, leaves, and even the soil and the roots are essentially
'Lover's Island' is located off the coast of Croatia, is one of several forms of heart naturally on Earth. The island is actually called Galesnjak, which is a privately owned island located in the Adriatic Sea, near the city Turanj. Full of wild plants and trees, the island is "asleep" to the attention of the world because of its unusual, in February 2009, when the island's picture published by Google Earth.
Manukan Island, Malaysia Sulug Mamutik and elegant collectively together form a smiley, smiling welcome visitors who are lucky enough to see them from the air.
Which is like a giant sperm cell swimming in the blue sea of loneliness.'s Island Photo taken while flying between Europe and Japan. And the photographer does not know what the island is.
This photo shows Huvahendhoo Island, one of the many islands in the Maldives. Similar to a Venetian carnival mask, with a different eye ornaments. Maldives, like Indonesia, is a real treasure when we want to find the islands of all shapes and sizes. There are a total of 1,190 coral islands grouped in a double chain of 26 atolls, which means there are a lot of options. Maldives is an archipelago spread over about 90,000 square kilometers - making it one of the most dispersed countries in the world.
Carrot-shaped island is also one of the islands in the Maldives, which seemed to be waiting for a giant rabbit to eat it.
Top 10 Mountains In The Solar System
Did you know that a lot of the highest places on Earth. One is a mountain or even the towering mountains on Earth is not only the highest but also one of the highest in our solar system. In the solar system there are also places highest of mountains higher than the mountains on the planet Earth. Mountain outside our planet is generally created by a meteor impact a very large rock, creating a deep crater and on the other hand creates a very high mountain.
I provide the following information on the 10 highest mountains in the solar system and some of them exist on planet Earth.
10. Makalu
Makalu is the fifth highest mountain in the world whose height 8481 m above sea level and is located on the border of Nepal and China. Mount Makalu has a unique shape that is a four-sided pyramid and is located just 19 miles southeast of Mount Everest. The first attempt to climb the mountain began in 1954. However, a successful ascent was first done in 1955 by a French expedition team is Lionel Terray and Jean Couzy.
9. Lhotse
9. Lhotse
Lhotse is located on the border of China and Nepal and is connected to Mount Everest via the South mountain height 8516 m above sea level. It is very difficult to climb this mountain because many times do yet always doomed to failure. The main peak climbing Lhotse was first performed in 1956 by a Swiss expedition team, Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger. Peaks Lhotse Middle remained a part of the highest point on Earth to climb, until 2001 when a Russian expedition finally managed to do the first ascent.
8. Kangchenjunga
8. Kangchenjunga
Kangchenjunga is the third highest mountain of the world with an altitude of 8586 m above sea level, Kangchenjunga is located in the India-Nepal border in the Himalayan region. There are five mountain peaks called "The Five Treasures of Snows". Efforts to reach the top of the mountain began early in 1848. However, in 1955 Joe Brown and George Band has managed to do the first ascent. Mount Kangchenjunga region located in four countries, namely China, India, Nepal and Bhutan.
7. K-2
7. K-2
K-2 is the second highest mountain in the world. K-2 or Godwin Austin has a summit elevation of 8611 m above sea level and is located in the northwest area of the Karakoram. Known as the wild mountain because high mortality rate when done climbing. K-2 is located on the border of China and Pakistan. Because it is almost impossible to make the climb K-2 from the China region, then many climbers do it from Pakistani territory. One interesting fact about the K-2 is that no one ever tried to climb the peak during the winter because it is very dangerous.
6. Gunung Everest
6. Gunung Everest
Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth located in the eastern Himalayas between Nepal and Tibet. Mount Everest is a mountain that has not been exposed to the lime light by erosion and has two peaks, one of which reached a height of 8848 m. Everest is always covered in snow except high winds affected parts. Many glaciers are growing near the base of Mount Everest. Everest is the name given to the mountain in 1865 in honor of Sir George Everest, a British surveyor in India who find the location of the mountain and the estimated height of the mountain. In the Tibetan language called Chomolungma, which means "mother goddess of the world".
5. Mauna Kea
5. Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea is the largest active volcano located in the north of the island of Hawaii, about 43 miles northwest of Hilo. The altitude is 4205 m above sea level, Mauna Kea pierced deep sea area 5547 km to the sea floor. So, if calculated from the seabed to the top of the mountain then Mauna Kea is the highest on Earth. Mauna Kea last active more than 4000 years ago. At its peak there is a snow cone and commonly used for skiing and the region including the Mauna Kea Observatory site which is the highest astronomical observatory in the world. On the upper slopes of the mountain there is a cave where ancient Hawaiian basalt digging to make the equipment. Lower mountain slopes used for cattle ranching and coffee plantations. The mountain is regarded in legend as the home of the Hawaii Poliahu goddess, the goddess of fire Mauna Kea.
4. Pegunungan Maxwell
4. Pegunungan Maxwell
Maxwell is the highest point on the surface of the planet Venus whose height of 11,000 m. Located in the northern highlands of Ishtar Terra, whose origins are from the mountain belt is still controversy about the origin of. Maxwell was first discovered in 1967 by scientists in America Arecibo Radio Telescope in Puerto Rico. The mountain is named after mathematician and a doctor named James Clerk Maxwell who works using radio waves created by radar and can eventually megeksplorasi surface area of Venus.
3. Pegunungan Boösaule
3. Pegunungan Boösaule
Boösaule known as the highest non-volcanic mountain of the Solar System. The mountain is located on Io, the fourth-largest satellite of the Solar System and is the inner satellites of Jupiter. Io is geologically quite interesting because it contains about 400 active volcanoes, and contains more than 150 mountains on its surface. Boösaule mountain is one of the mountains which is located in the northwest of the amazing Pele and reaches a height of 17,500 m. The mountain got its name from a cave in Greek mythology when Epaphus who is son of the god Zeus was born.
2.ridge Equator
2.ridge Equator
Located on the dark hemisphere of the satellite's third largest, Lapetus by Saturn, ridge along parts of the equator in the middle there are a few isolated peaks as high as 20 km. Equatorial ridge was discovered by the Cassini spacecraft on December 31, 2004. Ridge formation is still debated by scientists, but it has been agreed that this ancient ridge formed by the heavily cratered surface. Very noticeable bulge of the ridge forming satellite Lapetus like a walnut.
1. Olympus Mons
1. Olympus Mons
So far the highest mountain ever discovered in our solar system is Olympus Mons is the high mountain 24 km above a smooth plains on Mars. The height was three times higher than Mount Everest. Olympus Mons was found when the U.S. space probe, Mariner 9, in 1971 when he sent four pictures of the volcanic mountain. Need dikethui that part of the Olympus Mons shield similar in size to the Mauna Kea mountain on Earth. Extraordinary heights of Olympus Mons be no movement of the tectonic plates that allow the mountain to remain in place. Lava continues to flow until the mountain reaches a considerable height. Base of the mountain continued to fall as deep as 2 km away to the crust each year, this is due to the enormous pressure pressing crust of Mars.
8 Places Travel Guide in Melbourne Australia
The Economist magazine named the city of Melbourne in Australia as the most convenient cities in the world in 2011. It is conceivable, certainly ternyaman city also demanded a high standard of living. Impact for tourists from Indonesia are bloated budget - both for accommodation, meals, and transportation.
However, do not let our desire to visit there until low tide. Below 8 free attractions in Melbourne that can be visited.
However, do not let our desire to visit there until low tide. Below 8 free attractions in Melbourne that can be visited.
1. Tram City Circle
Trem adalah salah satu transportasi andalan kota ini, terutama di sekitar pusat kota. Untuk melayani wisatawan, pemerintah negara bagian Victoria telah menyediakan trem melingkari kota (city circle) gratis yang mengelilingi pusat bisnis dan pusat kota.
Rute trem ini adalah Flinders Street > Harbour Esplanade > Docklands Drive > La Trobe Street > Victoria Street > Nicholson Street > Spring Street > Flinders Street dan arah kebalikannya. Di dalam trem diberikan informasi objek-objek wisata yang dilewati. Saya merekomendasikan Anda yang baru pertama kali ke Melbourne untuk naik trem gratisan ini. Anda dapat menaiki trem di tempat-tempat yang bertanda “city circle”. Sangat mudah.
2. Shrine of Remembrance
Rute trem ini adalah Flinders Street > Harbour Esplanade > Docklands Drive > La Trobe Street > Victoria Street > Nicholson Street > Spring Street > Flinders Street dan arah kebalikannya. Di dalam trem diberikan informasi objek-objek wisata yang dilewati. Saya merekomendasikan Anda yang baru pertama kali ke Melbourne untuk naik trem gratisan ini. Anda dapat menaiki trem di tempat-tempat yang bertanda “city circle”. Sangat mudah.
2. Shrine of Remembrance
This monument was erected to honor soldiers who fought in World War I. The monument is surrounded by grassy gardens and shady trees. Located not far from the city center and is easily reached by tram. Location like a park open to make visitors freely in and out of this place.
3. Royal Botanic Gardens
3. Royal Botanic Gardens
Melbourne Botanical Gardens is located adjacent to the Shrine of Remembrance, with area of 36 hectares. Here there are more than 50 thousand plants, and many plants that are uniquely Australian. Here there is also the Children's Garden are made specifically so that the children can freely play and learn.
4. Parliament House
4. Parliament House
Parliament officially used by the State Council of Victoria. Located in the city center, precisely in Spring Street, very easy to reach by tram or train. During the council members not in session, you can take a tour of the building that became the cultural heritage.
5. Southbank
5. Southbank
You may not go to Melbourne without a stroll along the Yarra River. As the name suggests, Southbank located at the southern edge of the river, where the cafes lined along the sidewalk. If you feel the price of food and drinks at the cafes are too expensive, do not be discouraged! You can buy coffee from stalls that are cheaper and enjoy in the garden chairs are widely available here.
6. Queen Victoria Market
There is no other place that can match in Melbourne Queen Victoria Market or commonly referred to VicMart affairs shop. If you're not interested in shopping, the streets in this market is also quite fun, really. VicMart selling souvenirs, clothes, vegetables, fruits and so on. Do not be surprised if you meet the seller in Indonesia, because the students who work part-time in the market. The market is closed on Mondays and Wednesdays.
7. Flinders Street Station
Stasiun kereta api ini adalah salah satu ikon budaya kota Melbourne. Stasiun yang dibangun pada tahun 1854 ini adalah stasiun yang paling banyak digunakan di kota ini. Terletak di sudut Flinders Street dan Swanston Street, stasiun ini melayani para komuter yang tinggal di pinggir kota yang bekerja di pusat kota.
8. Pantai St Kilda
This beach is also one of the icons of the city's most comfortable in the world. St Kilda beach is only located about 6 km from the city center. One of the hallmarks of this beach is a grassy gardens and palm trees around the beach, so if you stay too hot sun shelter under a tree while sitting on the grass
6. Queen Victoria Market
There is no other place that can match in Melbourne Queen Victoria Market or commonly referred to VicMart affairs shop. If you're not interested in shopping, the streets in this market is also quite fun, really. VicMart selling souvenirs, clothes, vegetables, fruits and so on. Do not be surprised if you meet the seller in Indonesia, because the students who work part-time in the market. The market is closed on Mondays and Wednesdays.
7. Flinders Street Station
Stasiun kereta api ini adalah salah satu ikon budaya kota Melbourne. Stasiun yang dibangun pada tahun 1854 ini adalah stasiun yang paling banyak digunakan di kota ini. Terletak di sudut Flinders Street dan Swanston Street, stasiun ini melayani para komuter yang tinggal di pinggir kota yang bekerja di pusat kota.
8. Pantai St Kilda
This beach is also one of the icons of the city's most comfortable in the world. St Kilda beach is only located about 6 km from the city center. One of the hallmarks of this beach is a grassy gardens and palm trees around the beach, so if you stay too hot sun shelter under a tree while sitting on the grass
Sunday, May 19, 2013
10 Most Beautiful Places in Asia
Anda pasti pensaran tempat apa sih yang paling indah di Asia ini? jangan kuatir akan saya ungkap rahasia sepuluh tempat terindah di Asia.
Berikut sepuluh tempat terindah di Asia, dua diantaranya berada Di Indonesia lho.
Gujarat state
Gujarat state is the most important place of production of cotton and salt. Also, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian nation, is Gujarati. Between 2005 and 2006, heavy rains brought by the monsoon causing severe flooding and killed thousands of lives. It is estimated that climate change would bring the western Indian state more storms and floods can not be predicted.
Maldives is an archipelago, which consists of 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean. The most well-known for beautiful scenery: white beaches, swaying palm trees, colorful corals and abundant sunshine. 80 percent of the average height of the Maldives is less than one meter. If the sea level continues to rise in global climate change, this beautiful paradise might disappear under the sea sooner or later.
Bangkok, capital of Thailand, located in the Chao Phraya Delta. The city is the center of politics, economy, culture and education of Thailand. Bangkok lowly position and is always threatened by flooding during the rainy season. In addition, the geological formation, urbanization and excessive exploitation of ground water produced rapid deterioration of land in Bangkok. It is estimated that most of Bangkok will sink below sea level until the end of this century.
Cherrapunji, India, 1290 meters above sea level, receives most of the annual rainfall in the world. But 98 percent of the local precipitation occurs from March to October every year, and only four months left, will be somewhat dry climate. There is no reservoir for rainwater storage there. Also for global climate change recently, environmental pollution, deforestation and soil erosion, local residents do not even get enough water to live in the dry season.
Komodo Island
Indonesia's Komodo Island is most famous for the clarity of the sea and a variety of tropical marine life, so be it Mecca divers around the world. What else is known on the island of Komodo is the largest lizard in the world - Komodo. Sea level rise threatens coastal mangrove forests and beaches. Meanwhile, acidification and changes in ocean water temperature can kill corals around the island.
There are about 1,200 red-crown cranes living in the city of Kushiro Wetland Hokkaido, Japan. It is a haven for rare breeding birds. massive hunt by mankind and rising sea levels, the Kushiro wetland decreases year by year. And habitat of Red-crowned crane is also much reduced.
Sindhu river
Sindhu river originating from the glaciers in the Himalayas and more than 3000 kilometers. This creates a jungle river, places and villages along the way, so it became an important source for irrigation. Shrinking glaciers and changes in irregular rainfall may increase the local water shortage problem.
Kalimantan (Borneo) Indonesia is the third largest island in the world. Approximately 50 percent of the island is covered by primitive forest. And a variety of rare species live in this mysterious tropical forests. however, excessive logging, expansion of oil palm plantations and the construction of roads, causing shrinking tropical forests. global climate change also resulted in the extinction of the local flora and the spread of malaria. High temperatures and dry also increase the danger of forest fires.
Siberian Altai
Altai mountains of southern Siberia biogeographic region is mountainous western Siberia. This region is the most complete sequence of vegetation zones in Siberia, begun from the pasture, forest, mixed forest, subalpine vegetation to alpine vegetation. The site is also an important habitat for rare animal species like the snow leopard. Of the last century, temperatures in the region continue to rise, and researchers that in the coming decades will threaten the unique ecological system.
Mount Qomolangma
Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain on Earth above sea level, and the highest point of the earth. Various kinds of endangered rare animals inhabit here, including snow leopards, pandas also live on the lower side and so on. Scientists have claimed that about two-thirds of the glacier has melted. melting glaciers could lead to the expansion of glacial lakes that will lead to several natural disasters including floods and landslides.