Sunday, May 19, 2013

10 Most Beautiful Places in Asia

Anda pasti pensaran tempat apa sih yang paling indah di Asia ini? jangan kuatir akan saya ungkap rahasia sepuluh tempat terindah di Asia.
Berikut sepuluh tempat terindah di Asia, dua diantaranya berada Di Indonesia lho. 
gujarat 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia

Gujarat state
Gujarat state is the most important place of production of cotton and salt. Also, Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the Indian nation, is Gujarati. Between 2005 and 2006, heavy rains brought by the monsoon causing severe flooding and killed thousands of lives. It is estimated that climate change would bring the western Indian state more storms and floods can not be predicted.

maladewa 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Maldives is an archipelago, which consists of 1,200 islands in the Indian Ocean. The most well-known for beautiful scenery: white beaches, swaying palm trees, colorful corals and abundant sunshine. 80 percent of the average height of the Maldives is less than one meter. If the sea level continues to rise in global climate change, this beautiful paradise might disappear under the sea sooner or later.

bangkok 300x169 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Bangkok, capital of Thailand, located in the Chao Phraya Delta. The city is the center of politics, economy, culture and education of Thailand. Bangkok lowly position and is always threatened by flooding during the rainy season. In addition, the geological formation, urbanization and excessive exploitation of ground water produced rapid deterioration of land in Bangkok. It is estimated that most of Bangkok will sink below sea level until the end of this century.
cherrapunji 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Cherrapunji, India, 1290 meters above sea level, receives most of the annual rainfall in the world. But 98 percent of the local precipitation occurs from March to October every year, and only four months left, will be somewhat dry climate. There is no reservoir for rainwater storage there. Also for global climate change recently, environmental pollution, deforestation and soil erosion, local residents do not even get enough water to live in the dry season.
pulau komodo 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Komodo Island
Indonesia's Komodo Island is most famous for the clarity of the sea and a variety of tropical marine life, so be it Mecca divers around the world. What else is known on the island of Komodo is the largest lizard in the world - Komodo. Sea level rise threatens coastal mangrove forests and beaches. Meanwhile, acidification and changes in ocean water temperature can kill corals around the island.
hokkaido 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
There are about 1,200 red-crown cranes living in the city of Kushiro Wetland Hokkaido, Japan. It is a haven for rare breeding birds. massive hunt by mankind and rising sea levels, the Kushiro wetland decreases year by year. And habitat of Red-crowned crane is also much reduced.
sungai sindhu 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Sindhu river
Sindhu river originating from the glaciers in the Himalayas and more than 3000 kilometers. This creates a jungle river, places and villages along the way, so it became an important source for irrigation. Shrinking glaciers and changes in irregular rainfall may increase the local water shortage problem.
kalimantan 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Kalimantan (Borneo) Indonesia is the third largest island in the world. Approximately 50 percent of the island is covered by primitive forest. And a variety of rare species live in this mysterious tropical forests. however, excessive logging, expansion of oil palm plantations and the construction of roads, causing shrinking tropical forests. global climate change also resulted in the extinction of the local flora and the spread of malaria. High temperatures and dry also increase the danger of forest fires.
altaisiberia 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Siberian Altai
Altai mountains of southern Siberia biogeographic region is mountainous western Siberia. This region is the most complete sequence of vegetation zones in Siberia, begun from the pasture, forest, mixed forest, subalpine vegetation to alpine vegetation. The site is also an important habitat for rare animal species like the snow leopard. Of the last century, temperatures in the region continue to rise, and researchers that in the coming decades will threaten the unique ecological system.
gunung qomolagma 10 Tempat Terindah Di Asia
Mount Qomolangma
Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain on Earth above sea level, and the highest point of the earth. Various kinds of endangered rare animals inhabit here, including snow leopards, pandas also live on the lower side and so on. Scientists have claimed that about two-thirds of the glacier has melted. melting glaciers could lead to the expansion of glacial lakes that will lead to several natural disasters including floods and landslides.
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